Five Things

 {movie in the moonlight: Puss in Boots}
In Michigan the Fourth of July marks the middle of summer. Fresh vegetables are appearing in gardens, farmers markets and along roadside stands. Nearby towns offer the perfect way to end your day with movies in the moonlight, and up north sunsets add inspiration for the perfect manicure. Here are a few things that a currently making me happy.

 {fruit + ice cubes = a refreshing addition to summer drinks}
 {current diet: popsicles}
 {a variety of pink polish to create sunset nails}
{fresh zucchini from my parents garden}

13 Comments on “Five Things

  1. It doesn't get much better than fresh vegetables from the garden! Have a nice weekend 🙂


  2. I SO want one of those movie screens and projectors for my back yard! They do movies on the beach around my way and the kids get so excited over it! I can't wait to plant a garden when we move.. Have a great weekend! xo


  3. I love the idea of fruit in ice cubes. Fresh vegetables have been a staple for us this summer, can't seem to get enough of them!


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