
So I am sure you have heard about getting your car winterized, but did you know that you should winterize your skin routine? Here are my tips on how to save your skin during the frigid winter months.

Face Talk

Tips & Tricks
• Remember to avoid using hot water on your body and face as it removes moisture from the skin. Instead, use luke warm water and pat skin dry…don\’t rub. Also while skin is still damp you can apply your body moisturizer and this will help to lock in moisture.

• Always carry a solid skin balm with you to touch up very dry areas, such as your cheeks during the day. I love Climate Control from Dermalogica and CosMedix Rescue Balm and Mask.

• Make sure to always have lip balm or lip gloss with you at all times to give your lips a boost of hydration. Here are just a couple of the lip hydrating products I currently have in my handbag… Smith\’s Rosebud Salve, LORAC Vitamin E Stick, Softlips, Burt\’s Beeswax Lip Balm

• Own a humidifier your skin will love you for it.

Do you have any winterizing tips you\’d like to share?


35 Comments on “Winterizing

  1. Those are such a great tips and Im going to try a few of them for sure! U usually make sure that I use a very rich lotion during the colder season:)Happy Wednesday,sweetiePs: I am hosting a great home decor GIVEAWAY later today, so please join in 🙂


  2. I totally need to get my hands on a good exfoliater. My skin is screaming for it! That first picture of Reese is so cute- ❤ her.


  3. Hello bloggy bff! This post is fab — I wish I had something like this a few months ago when I first moved to NC and almost shriveled up into one of those weird seaweedy guys in the little mermaid. It was awful! I still bug my husband for the body sized clarisonic b/c my poor legs miss FL and hate the NC cold!I did, however, discover that body shop's wise woman night cream works like a charm as a daily moisturizer in really cold, dry weather! great post! <3xoXOxoJenn @ Peas & Crayons


  4. I am a huge fan of Dermalogica! I simply adore the antioxidant spray and I use it both summer and winter. Thanks for the tips…Happy Wednesday! xx


  5. I had no idea about not using hot water. Thanks for the great tips!I have both a Burts and a Softlips in my bag too. 🙂


  6. I am addicted to Rosebud Salve. I have about 5 of them scattered throughout my life. Thanks for the recommendations! XO


  7. Good Morning Pretty Lady :)Oh, winter is hard on the ol skin! I use plain sugar as a scrub followed by baking soda (really brightens the skin) Hope you have a wonderful wed.xogi gi


  8. I love the Rosebud Salve! After a shower, I do not rub my hair with the towel. Instead, while it is still soaking wet, i wrap my hair in an old cotton t-shirt. This helps seals in the moisture and won't frizz out your hair.


  9. I always put lotion on right when I dry off after a shower. But, I don't really winterize my face routine — just my makeup! I use liquid foundation instead of just powder foundation in the wintertime.


  10. Ooh, thanks for this! My face gets SUPER dry in the winter! My lips are always dry (no matter what), but when my face joins in the dryness, it's no fun at all! THANKS!


  11. I LOVE those tips! I am guilty of taking too hot showers and then getting dry skin. I need to change that up!


  12. I love this post. It's so bloody dry in winter. The hair, skin and nails can take a beating. I try to soak in Sake bath once a week. My hair gets the Kerastase mask once or twice a week. And I'm religious with the 100% Pure Moisturizing Oil. The Fresh Soy stuff is nice, too. I got one in a sample before the holidays and really enjoyed it!!Great post lady!!xo,C


  13. I started using a cream cleanser a couple of months ago and I love the way my skin looks and feels now. It has even helped with the wrinkles under my eyes.These are wonderful tips!


  14. Such a great post and so, so necessary. My face has been like a DESERT lately, though temps have been in the -30 (Celsius) range… Also, LOVE the apple cinnamon cheerios… all-time fave for sure!


  15. I'm SOLD! I keep hearing about, and seeing dermalogica and I've been hesitant to try but GIRL I am going to drop some coin on that brand! :)My winterizing tip: super glue on the deep cracks around the fingernails (gross) and Bag Balm under my nose every night to help with the inevitable chap! Not glamorous, I know!


  16. Thanks for the skin tips! My face tends to be dry, and now I know why! <– Didn't mean to rhyme haha :)xo, Sara


  17. Thank you for your comment. These are great tips, my skin is always crying out for more attention at winter time 🙂 Following.Love, Vanilla


  18. I love Dermalogica products, I have oily acne prone skin so I have to use the clay cleanser and the oil control lotion. I do use their antioxidant spray throughout the day. It is nice and refreshing.For my lips I use Badger Cocoa butter balm. I haven't found anything I like better yet.I just ordered some 100% Pure blueberry body wash and the pomegranite lotion. Their coffee eye cream is great, too.My furry snow boots should arrive today, so now I am good to go! Great post.


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