Party Girl Commandments

It\’s the holiday season, which can mean only one thing: It\’s party time girls! Whether it’s a small get-together, holiday soiree or dinner with family – knowing how to navigate the room with ease is crucial.

Your Arrival

  • Thou shall arrive within the first 30 minutes.
  • Thou shall thank the host for a beautiful party and provide the host with a small gift such as a candle, ornament…etc (most people bring alcohol so be different).
  • Thou shalt not be tacky and bring uninvited guests.

Drink, Drank….. don\’t get Drunk

  • Thou shalt not drink excessively.
  • Thou shalt not present thyself a sloppy mess.

In Regards to Drinking and Eating

  • Thou shalt not drink excessively or present thyself as a sloppy mess.
  • Thou shalt not double dip (put the dip on a plate).
  • Thou shalt not over eat.
  • Thou shalt only clean teeth in the background.


  • Thou shalt not complain.
  • Thou shall avoid topics pertaining to work.

The Departure

  • Thou shalt not “pop in” to the party for 15 minutes and leave
  • Thou shall always say good-bye to the host.
  • Thou shalt not ever leave before dessert is served. 

What are your Party Girl Commandments?

    7 Comments on “Party Girl Commandments

    1. These are fantastic commandments! I agree with Annie, I wish everyone would follow them. The only one that can't sometimes be helped is the one that is about only staying 15 minutes. I hate it when you know the person has nothing else to do, but we've actually had three events in the same evening and attended each—but we stayed longer than just 15 minutes at all of them. 🙂


    2. Love all these! Thanks for posting. Would it be okay to send this to all my friends/family with a note that says Hint Hint? ha!


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