Happy reNEW Year: My Plans for 2020

Have you chosen a ‘word of the year’ yet? The word you decide could be the key to an amazing 2020. Whether you’re trying to eat healthier, exercise more or just spend more time with family and friends, choosing a single word that defines your goals for the year will help you stick to that New Year’s resolution. The idea behind your word is to help you stay focused on what’s important to you in your year ahead.

My word for 2019 was DISCOVERY
2019 was the year I really wanted to find myself, learn what I truly liked, what I didn’t like, where I wanted to be in my career, where I wanted to live, things I wanted to accomplish and more. One thing that I really wanted to accomplish as part of my 2019 discovery was to jet set somewhere. You see, I was always waiting around for others to want to do something, and wasn’t just doing what I wanted to. December rolled around, and there I was, no trip planned at all. I had a fear of flying (I mean I had only done it once in my adult life), and I had a fear of exploring alone. After a rough year (my best friend suddenly passed away, my cousin took his life and Papa left us to be with Meeme), I knew that I needed to make a bold move. I bought a plane ticket to Colorado and flew out on New Year’s Eve. That’s right it took me 364 days to reach the main goal I had, but I did it and that right there leads me right into my word for 2020: Renew.

Why did I choose renew?
When I was thinking of what I wanted to achieve for the year, it wasn’t anything innovative – I just wanted to get back on track with life and do all the things I have been begging myself to do for the past couple of years. 

The definition of renew: 

RENEW verb
re·​new | \\ ri-ˈnü  , -ˈnyü \\
Definition of renew
transitive verb

1: to make like new : restore to freshness, vigor, or perfection
as we renew our strength in sleep
2: to make new spiritually : REGENERATE
3a: to restore to existence : REVIVE
b: to make extensive changes in : REBUILD
4: to do again : REPEAT
5: to begin again : RESUME

Gain a renewed spirit. Where I thought all hope was lost, work to regain it, and become the best version of myself.

Bring me back to life. Simply remember what my goals are, what I want to achieve and do it – because life isn’t going to wait around.

Extensive repairs need to happen in my life, I spent so much time being “broken” after the loss of my grandma, it’s time to stop. It’s time to accomplish my goals.

I need to repeat what is working for me, and the things that make me happy. This one is really going to revolve around traveling. Traveling is where I find myself, and I lost that because I was too scared to do things on my own. 2019 taught me that I am capable of greater things than just sitting at home staring at pictures of places I want to be.

It’s time to resume activities that are important to me, booty classes, travel, spin classes – just to name a few.

My plans for 2020
Renew my commitment to healthy eating.
Somewhere in the middle of my depressive state last year I decided that I would stop weighing myself, and start eating whatever I want. This was probably the worst thing I could do, my confidence level dropped, I started wearing baggy clothing, I became insecure. I genuinely feel better when I eat healthier and workout – so getting back to healthy eating and working out to become the best version of me is one of the important things on my agenda for 2020.

Renew my spirit
I lost sight of the happy, bubbly girl that I am and I am ready to bring her back in 2020 in a bigger and better way. This year I want to volunteer and help others, travel, take classes, start a new workout routine, really just being the best version of myself.

As I look toward re-committing to things that are important to me, it will also be important for me to Marie Kondo my life and release those things that no longer bring me joy. 2020 is all about choosing what is best for me and making things happen. 

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